(H) How Miraculous Events Occur and Water’s Role in Creation

A work in progress – soon to be complete By Leslie Taylor, Boise Idaho, March 2025

To put space-time in perspective:

We have a complete lack of knowledge about the true nature of space and time. First of all, they are intrinsically connected – like two sides of a coin. We measure the distance between things not just with tools (such as sophisticated electronic laser devices or ordinary devices such as a carpenter’s tape measure), but by the amount of time it takes us to see, hear (as in thunder and lightning) or get to a destination (by car, plane, etc.) seemingly separated from us in space. Should one have an appointment twenty five miles away they then determine how much driving time they’ll need in order to arrive in time. In astronomy and cosmology, the distance from Earth to far off light emitting structures (stars, galaxies, galaxy clusters, etc.) is measured in quantities of light years distance – the distance light travels through a vacuum over a year’s time (5.88 trillion miles or 9.46 trillion kilometers). Or, in the case of reflected light from nearby celestial objects, the Earth’s moon for example: given that the average distance from the moon to the Earth is 238,855 miles (384,00 km) it takes approximately 1.28 seconds for the light from the moon to reach Earth. 

When we observe the space all around us we see that it goes in all directions and there are no knowable limits on how far. Despite many theories about the shape and extent of the universe – it appears infinitely extended. Also, there are in reality no north, south, east, west, up, down, forward or backwards. Those concepts are merely abstractions, as are maps enabling us to, on Earth’s surface with our body’s physical perceiving organs and with that with which we travel in or on, make our way from one place to another.

Then, of course, that clearly informs us that there is no linear unidirectional flow of time. Again, space and time are inseparably coupled therefore, time too goes in all directions. I should add that since the hypothetical Big Bang origins of the universe (a theory, not a proven fact) there appears to be no end of time, if so, there’s no beginning either. To say, past, present and future and thinking that, from the present moment, there exists in two opposite directions past and future times while believing one can only go forth, not back in time, is an obvious conflicted understanding of space-time. The numbers on our clocks, like maps, are also abstractions, that given the body’s perceived notion of being separated from all and anything in space and, depending on our (senses experience of) speed of motion through space, clocks enable our arrival at a particular location at a particular time. Yet, as is so often stated, the map is not the territory. Therefore, if both space and time are infinitely extended in all directions, thus have no beginning or end, then space-time does not exist in reality.

The knowledge of the unreality of space-time explains miracles –events that bypass, transcend, step-by-step actions or procedures over space-time and their results are never in error.

Whenever one experiences precognition (knowledge of a future event) during an awake or dream state (the most commonly reported paranormal event and experienced most often during the dream state), clairvoyance or remote viewing (seeing afar in space-time), the sudden inexplicable appearance of an object, receiving just the information they’ll need before they are aware that they’ll need it, a miraculous life saving or spontaneous healing event, synchronicities (non causally coupled events as in reading about a fictional event then later experiencing it) and more and these things happen all the time, they are experiencing their and the universe’s true, limitless, spaceless-timeless nature. For, again, if space-time extends everywhere always, there is no such thing as space-time as there are no quantities of distance between things or durations of time in the infinite and eternal. 

Nearly all near death experiencers try to convey this. One of my favorite quotes, which I first learned of in my youth and have never forgotten is, “You can’t understand infinity by counting the sum of its parts” (author unknown). 

Here is a quote by Swami Vivekananda (1863 – 1902):

“Can infinity have parts? What is meant by parts of infinity? If you reason it out, you will find that it is impossible. Infinity cannot be divided, it always remains infinite. If it could be divided, each part would be infinite. And there cannot be two infinites. Suppose there were, one would limit the other, and both would be finite. Infinity can only be one, undivided. Thus the conclusion will be reached that the infinite is one and not many, and that one Infinite Soul is reflecting itself through thousands and thousands of [countless] mirrors, appearing as so many different souls. It is the same Infinite Soul, which is the background of the universe, that we call God. The same Infinite Soul also is the background of the human mind which we call the human soul.”

As stated above, the most commonly experienced paranormal experience is precognitive or otherwise unavailable information (such as the passing of a loved one at a distance) received during the dream state. During my formulating the ideas here expressed and writing this piece I came across a reference to a book titled An Experiment of Time by J. W. Dunne (pub. 1927, 2nd edition 1929). Online I found a free ebook enabling me to, these past couple of days, jump right in. Not surprisingly, generally speaking the book exactly correlates with some of that which I present here. For, throughout the author’s life he experienced many precognitive dreams. He wrote his dreams down and discovered and kept record of the many precognitive following events, usually just ordinary day to day events. He, as part of what he considered was his experimenting with his unique ability, encouraged a few others to do the same and discovered that they too had similar experiences. His book explores the possibilities enabling these foreknowings, including the nature of time. For example he writes:

“I had done nothing but suppose, in hopelessly unscientific fashion, for a week or more, and it seemed to me that I might as well complete my sinning. So I took a final wild leap to the wildest supposition of all.”

“That the universe was, after all, really stretched out in Time, and that the lopsided view we had of it — a view with the “future” part unaccountably missing, cut off from the growing “past” part by a travelling “present moment” — was due to a purely mentally imposed barrier which existed only when we were awake?”

“So that, in reality, the associational network stretched, not merely this way and that way in Space, but also backwards and forwards in Time.” [Here, in my work, I suggest time goes “this way and that way” too]. Dunne adds, “The dreamer’s attention, following in natural, unhindered fashion the easiest pathway among the ramifications, would be continually crossing and recrossing that properly nonexistent equator which we, waking, ruled quite arbitrarily athwart [apart from] the whole.”

As I have already clearly stated, I suggest that the present moment is not “travelling.” But rather extending outward in all directions and an individual, once having gained its needed, spiritually useful, material experience and knowledge in this narrowly focused yet evolving physical state, then more brilliantly unifies with that which is eternal and undivided, the ever present Heaven in other words.

One thing I have noticed about precognitions, the ones we usually hear about, is that they mostly portend of disaster and/or death – either several deaths or the death of a friend or relative. Years ago I had one about three fires in Colorado. In the early morning, just after waking up and still lying in bed, I had a clear vision of three large signs stacked one behind another and next to them was a structure all ablaze. I knew it was a premonition of fires but I knew not where. I was beside myself from that waking moment and throughout that day. Then, the first of the three fires broke out in Colorado later that very day in Fort Collins, 50 miles from where I lived. The second fire was in the Rocky Mountains front range adjacent to Boulder, around 25 miles from where I lived. Then the third, and the worst of the three was in Colorado Springs, 98 miles from my home at the time. All occurring within a couple of days following my precognitive vision.

Fires don’t just kill people, destroy businesses, homes and much needed personal and cherished sentimental belongings. They kill countless other sentient beings from pets, to deer and other mammals, to baby chicks, beetles and plants both great and small – again, all are sentient. Way to go arsonists, and here you thought you were merely destroying some of your, in truth, beloved fellow human beings. When a soldier, for example, dies in battle far from his mother, or a grandparent dies at a distance away from their grandchild, it is not uncommonly reported that the bereaved one saw or had a communication from the deceased prior to the recipient’s awareness of their passing. And sometimes to say that they are fine, not to worry. These are all eternal spiritually united beings sharing forever recorded information for whatever purposes, sometimes to comfort, warn and protect.

Both the author H. G. Wells and the astrophysicist Sir. Arthur Eddington read and reviewed Dunne’s book. At the bottom of this page is link to the free ebook An Experiment with Time by J. W. Dunne.

Miracles are natural because they are expressions of love. Love is the unreserved, unconditional unity with the Divine in all things everywhere and always. A truly loving nature and intentions, thus being in coherence, in union, with the Divine, or God, or whatever other word, such as Allah, you prefer, is key to being able to receive the gifts of miracles, including communications, from the eternal, undivided, Divine State of Being present here and now.

What we have learned from the legitimate near death experiencers (there are many fabricated NDEs online now) is that there is another realm, a higher realm where space and time are irrelevant. This realm is described as immaterial, inviolable, peaceful beyond our comprehension, and beautifully, radiantly alive throughout (thus the word ‘spiritual’ to describe this immaterial, luminous state of being). It’s often referred to as Heaven and where souls previously inhabiting a physical/temporal body, now and forever exist (being spaceless and timeless therefore present with us here and now as we are with them) without times deterioration effects on their and all other life forms’ spiritual bodies.

Spiritual beings, as we all are in reality, are not inhibited by the constraints imposed by a physical body’s perceived separateness between whatever one is interested in experiencing, being with or knowing about. These legitimate near death experiencers state that they can’t explain what they experienced with linear, sequenced words and in relationship contextually to the 3D material space-time world. They report that communication between ‘other’ and ‘themselves’ is an instant, a simultaneous, knowing – a perfect unity of consciousness. Love is unreserved, unconditional unity and the reason for the emphasis on love that nearly all near death experiencers express. Love is necessary for the allowing of whole and true knowing and the experience of the whole of our soul’s divine beingness. Same with desiring to be in another equally resonant loving circumstance. Traveling to or from somewhere is not an appropriate description, they inform us. They merely needed to desire that experience and did experience it as soon as the thought of the desire was evoked.  

Like space and time being inseparable, every problem is inseparable from its solution. Heaven is inseparable from Earth. 


The Higher Realm Consultations painted in 2024 by Leslie Taylor

I have reported on the previous pages on this site ((E), (F) and (G) see menu above) the reason for my painting the work above, the passing of my ex husband, for my own solace and to send to his young son, whom I’ve never met, in hopes of comforting him. At the bottom of this page is a follow up of the circumstances.

I suggest that water contains the material universe’s permanent record of all information about all living things: their structures, functions, growth, evolution, distribution, their thoughts, feelings and communications even. The same is true about non-living objects, their structures and functions, for biological life also creates, utilizes and sometimes depends upon its creations for its survival and care. Also recorded in water, on Earth and throughout the universe, are any and all events and processes from the micro to the macro to cosmic scales, for all things are intermingled with everything everywhere always. All of this information recorded in water is accessible in the higher realm as well, (thus the NDE’s life reviews for example) but not encoded or accessed there as it is in water’s apparent earthly material forms. Water’s true nature too is spiritual. 

Our coming into existence on Earth and throughout our physical lifetimes can be described as like the entry of drops of water (a good analogy for no life throughout the universe exists without water –humans are around 65% water and water molecules account for about 99% of all molecules in the human) into the deep depths (not surfacely) of a vast ocean making waves extending in all directions over space-time while interacting with innumerable other three dimensional waves. These waves gradually energetically weaken and fade out entirely, eventually evaporating back into the higher realm from which they came. It is also a good analogy, for when a body dies it dehydrates returning, not just its material molecular components terrestrially, but releases much of its H20 into the atmosphere.

The intelligence of water is far beyond anything else on Earth. Some hypothesize that it is a singular living body despite its being vastly contained, absorbed or spread out and its different phases: vapor, liquid and crystal and more recently an additional liquid-crystalline phase has been introduced (Dr. Gerald Pollack et al.). With our limited perceiving organs we don’t see its (or anyone or anything else’s) spiritual and holistic nature – holy water or holy spirits. 

Many speak of the Akashic Records where everything is permanently recorded. Renowned psychics such as Edgar Cayce were able to access the Akashic Records, also known as The Book of Life, within the individuals he was reading for healing purposes. 

Water as the organizer and conductor of all ‘self-organizing’ processes. 

Consider instead of Akashic records, and to elaborate further, that nano H20 structures, not DNA (within the cellular nucleoplasm which is water mostly) is the storer of an individual’s and specie’s genetic and epigenetic traits – otherwise known of as Lamarckism, or Lamarckian inheritance. It is the notion that an organism can pass on to its offspring physical characteristics that the parent organism acquired through use or disuse during its lifetime. For example, parents who were athletes could pass on to their children an inherent strength and coordination. In health and sickness alike water directs, acts upon, the encoded DNA and its transcribing mRNA molecules making their way from inside the nucleus into the cells’ cytoplasm (mostly water) to begin the systematic process of protein production. Consider as well, for one other example of the intelligent guidance of water, the abundance of water in the placenta of mammals during gestation.

And here we have the hubris of the heartless human intellect that by by-passing these natural innumerable complex and ingenious processes by injecting into as many individual’s as possible, billions so far, cellular cytoplasm (by-passing the nucleus) their lab created synthetic mRNA resulting in the production of a toxic spike protein throughout their bodies. What’s their real intent? 

What humanity is experiencing today is widespread autism. As many as 1 in 33 children are now autistic as of the early 1980s. When I was a child it was 1 in 10,000. Autistic brains show a lack of a brain’s full sized right hemisphere cerebral cortex – brain damage. Autistics cannot feel empathy. We have to ramp up ours for their, their families and all of humanity’s sake. Consider this important information that may contain a healing for these children:

water where brain tissue is lacking

Structured Water

Structured water is where H20 molecules form into grouped information carrying nano structures (like 1’s and 0’s, bits of information, in computer programs). H20 like any other molecular structure, atom, photon or electron, is entangled (meaning in simultaneous, transcending space-time, bonded coherence) with other same molecules or energy carrying quantum particles (eg. photons, carriers of heat and light) ‘seemingly’ separated in space-time and all interacting coherently and creatively, unless disturbed, with other quantum species.

As you can see in the text and quotes above and in the links below, these are hardly my original ideas. Truly creative originality may be entirely within the providence of the Divine yet accessible to all. Loving intent, thus communion with the Divine, seems key. From there how and where an individual chooses to communicate, share, the products of beautiful, creative knowledge and talents is of their choosing. It is also of one’s choosing, yet never to anyone’s advantage, on the contrary, to block, denigrate or destroy those God given gifts in another or others or to support or feign admiration of that which is plainly stupid, ugly or destructive. These happen as much as not.

Angels on High

The thousands of years old artistically depicted symbolism of winged guardian angels or an anthropomorphic father figure, a God in the clouds above, is an enchanting one and, given water’s role in life and creation, an apt one. 

Winged Figure painted in 1947 by Abbott Handerson Thayer

Atheists insist that these symbolic depictions of the higher realm, the eternal, spiritual, luminous realm, are taken literally by unscientific, superstitious, religious or spiritual individuals to demean these knowers of the Divine, or God if you prefer, and the soul’s, all souls, eternal state. Sadly, the young, especially in advanced academic institutions over many decades now have been targeted, brain washed, by them.

Today, a cabal of billionaire self-proclaimed elites have hubristically claimed that with their chemicals and advanced wireless and computer technologies they have acquired god-like powers. They outright state that there is no God in the clouds above, only the Microsoft and Google clouds. They claim they can even upload consciousnesses into these clouds. They’ve bragged about having power over water (eg. weather systems, such as generating deadly hurricanes or floods, which they do). Yet, water has the final say, so-to-speak, should it come to that. Have they not been informed of the Earth’s historical great floods wiping out all but a small percentage of life on Earth? Or the snowball Earth, a geohistorical hypothesis that proposes (based on evidence) that during one or more of Earth’s icehouse climates the planet’s surface became nearly entirely frozen. Online, scientists claim that these events were likely due to an excess of C02 particulates in the atmosphere or some unavoidable disastrous cosmological event.

I’ve tended to think those floods and massive ice events were not the result of cosmological accidents or due to too many C02 particulates in the atmosphere. But rather, those cataclysmic events were orchestrated by the living, sentient Earth with its water worldwide to save the planet, it’s biosphere, from (excluding the dinosaur extinction) bombardment by the quite evolved humans in those times with their advanced electromagnetic, and perhaps sonic, technologies and this scenario could quite conceivably repeat itself in the not too distant future. Today, on much smaller scales, if these god-like geniuses with their technologies have acquired power over water (which, again, I don’t doubt they can and do wreak havoc with the weather) consider what happens if one drops a cell phone into a tub of water or water gets inside a computer? 

TRANSHUMANISM PLEASE parents and everyone of all ages who fear death (and don’t we all to some degree or another) don’t do this to yourselves or allow it to be done to your children!

The new world order self-proclaimed elites other mad, hubristic, narcissistic goal is to direct human evolution as they determine it should be – totally controlled by and serving them of course. To transhumanize, merge humans with machines such that, as they claim, humanity will not even be recognizable fifty years from now. I can’t help but think of the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz melting because Dorothy threw a bucket of water on her. Was there an IOT antenna connected to a brain implant under her hat? Was she green and did she melt because she was mostly made of plastic? Does the cloud depict, not water vapor, but that her consciousness was being sucked up into the Microsoft cloud?

I’m melting, I’m melting!

When in a state of fear, ask for a miracle instead.

I cannot emphasize enough that transhumanism, merging oneself with machines with the promise of being vastly more intelligent, having a greater connectedness to others, an agile and stronger body and extended lifespan is a trap. It’s an imprisonment in an enslaved mental and material state for who knows how long. Even if one is promised a thousand years lifespan with regular upgrades, whatever your current state of being (in chronic pain, or paralyzed or mentally or physically very ill) transhumanism is incomparably inferior to one’s true (feel these descriptions of your true Self) eternal, inviolable, limitless thus a wholly free radiantly beautiful spiritual soul and state of being and you will return there, from where we all came, where your true higher Self resides, sooner than you think unless you choose otherwise. 

The choice is comparable to asking a fifth grader if they want to stay in the fifth grade as an superhero-like automaton for a thousand years or go on to higher, more difficult levels of academia, into young and eventually elderly adulthood all with their ever changing experiences, added responsibilities, explorations, discovery and challenges and pass on from there to who knows where around a debilitated 80 years of age. What child would not naively choose the former?

It is quite interesting, the grace of God no doubt, that now, just as we are under assault worldwide by these New World Order self-proclaimed elites, the NWOSPE, with their toxic chemicals and technologies that kill, manipulate, track, spy on and ultimately, as planned, would enslave humanity. Yet, due to modern medical resuscitation technologies, we have available to nearly all of us via books and the internet, the many testimonies of those having experienced a remarkable and verifiable, no less than miraculous, near death experience demonstrating that we are, in reality, eternal, spiritual beings. Some, after resuscitation and return of consciousness into their bodies having experienced a miraculous healing, or individuals blind since birth seeing the world around them while outside of their bodies, others seeing events and hearing conversations outside the room they were dying or had died in, and so much more.  



Shroud of Turin Studies  – a report by Dr. John Campbell

This is fascinating regardless of one’s religious or spiritual beliefs or no such beliefs at all. If true, it is a miracle for all to see. Do give it your time and attention and decide for yourself. 


Student Dies On a Class Trip & Discovers There is Life After Death.

I cannot know for certain whether this NDE is a wholly truthful account or not. I can’t say that with many of the newer ones for there are so many fabricated NDEs online now. Yet, what I will say is she strikes me as most sincere and her description of her experience is quite uplifting.


I want to honor the scientists and philosophers that published their hard work and findings enabling me, and so many others worldwide, to learn from and share the ideas I expressed above. These great scientists are (but hardly limited to): Dr. Masauro Emoto, Dr. Luc Montagne, Dr. Jaques Benveniste, Dr. Eben Alexander, Dr. Gerald Pollack and megalithic archeological researcher Michael Cremo (and others I don’t feature on my websites such as Graham Hancock). For more details about them and their work go to the link below (on my other website – miraclesforall.com) and scroll halfway down the page to the two posts listed below. There are many veridical reports of miracles on that page and the several other pages throughout the Miracles For All website.

Scroll down to these two posts

August 7, 2019 – Boise, Idaho,


February 1, 2019 – Boise, Idaho, 

THE SENSITIVITY AND INTELLIGENCE OF WATER and why we can not continue to recklessly bombard the biosphere with man made electromagnetic radiation from satellite and wireless technologies – most recently 5G technologies.


 Water Memory – a documentary about Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier


One of my favorite all-time books is The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. Water may very well be, not just orchestrating the development of plants, but transmitting communications between plants, to and from other species and the environment.

Link to AN EXPERIMENT WITH TIME free ebook by J. W. Dunne:


Update on the painting The Higher Realm Consultations

notes people without brains:

