The heartless AI and other computer programmers and the NWO self-proclaimed elite, all with their lifeless machines, have rendered the artist, in the World Economic Forum’s guru, Yuval Harari, words “irrelevant” and “obsolete.” We artists must not become disheartened, but instead rise above and in our many ingenious ways beautifully contribute to the progress and enrichment, both creative and spiritual, of humankind.
Manitou – Native American For The Life Force In All Things by Leslie M. Taylor 30″ X 40″
You can contact the artist and author at:
The Triumph of the Human Spirit – Christ Consciousness
by Leslie M. Taylor – oil on canvas – 30″ X 40″. I painted this without a model or a photograph of a model. Quite the challenge! This photo of this painting is a bit blurry – neither I nor a professional photographer can capture the detail in this and Manitou – very frustrating. You can see from my other works how well the photographs of them capture the fine detail. The beautifully framed original, as one looks at and feels what it conveys, is greatly uplifting particularly as one prays for humanity.
Someone’s Looking Out For You an oil on canvas painting by artist Leslie Taylor 28″X24″
Someone’s Looking Out For You detail
Someone’s Looking Out For You detail
Laurel by Leslie M. Taylor – oil on canvas 12″ X 14″
Reading in my Backyard by Leslie M. Taylor oil on canvas 36″ X 36″
Detail and better represents the quality of the painting Reading In My Backyard
Silent Flight a 36″ X 36″ oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor (painted with permission from Elliot Porter an engineer and bird photographer)
Seeking Greater Heights – 20″ X 28″ oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor
Victorian Porch 12″ X 18″ oil on canvas by Leslie M. Taylor
.Portrait of Lt. Governor elect of California Mervyn Dymally for a political fundraising dinner invitation.
This is a preliminary drawing, and detail below it, is on a 30″ X 40″ canvas prior to applying the paint. It is inspired as a result of a past life regression described below.
The Triumph Victory of the Human Spirit – Christ Consciousness
Past Life Regressions
I did a 30 minute past life hypnotic regression online with Dr. Brian Weiss where I encountered Christ. I’ve done them before, years ago, not online but in a more personal situation and the results were valid given my follow-up research about the places, timeframes and present day physical or behavioral evidences. In one case, for example, I was an African Pygmy male banished from my primitive tribe, for what crime I do not know. I died as a result of a poisonous water snake bite on my thigh as I was pushing my boat onto the bank of a river. As I lay down on the river bank crying, I was thinking, “Now I will die just as the animals die.” I awoke, still crying, to a red and sore lump on my thigh where the snake had bitten me. It was not there before. Also, I learned later that banishment from these tribes was a form of capital punishment for they could not survive alone in the jungle.
In this recent past life regression I was who I am today encountering Christ. I asked him if the modern miracle of the return of his presence that so many are waiting for (as if he had ever left) can be demonstrated by the replacement of religious artworks worldwide featuring the crucifixion, not as bloody, painful and torturous, but instead depicting his fully strong, healthy body and serene state of mind at the moment of his ascending the cross. Showing that in truth, despite what is currently believed and generally conveyed, the injuries, the pain and suffering were but a momentary illusion and what occurred instead was a miracle: God’s beloved Son (all of humanity) healed and whole, peacefully ascending, rising from the cross (symbolizing a point in the matrix of spacetime); a transcendence and that there is and was no death. After my rather involved request he did not speak, he didn’t have to, his message was clear, “Get to work.”
Humanity is in a serious physical, mental, and spiritual crisis and is in need of a miracle. To look and feel the beautifully framed original painting is quite, quite uplifting, in particular as one prays for humanity’s spiritual awakening – Christ Consciousness.
The Victory of the Human Spirit – Christ Consciousness by Leslie M. Taylor – 30″ X 40″ – oil on canvas. The photo of the painting here does not at all capture all important fine detail I capture in my work. As well, I painted this without a model or a photograph of a model. Quite the challenge!
The Story of Heaven on Earth oil on canvas 30″ X 30″
The Story of Heaven on Earth by Leslie M. Taylor
You can contact the artist and author at: