Inspiring Literature, Lovely Creative Works and Wow, Miracles Happen!

Portrait of Adam Taylor – oil on canvas painting by Leslie M. Taylor

On the previous page posted on June 2024, Renowned Prophecies Are They Accurate? I described a surprising set of synchronicities. I’ll call them synchronicities but some seem to be more like psychic precognition or manifestations referred to as teleportation (the psychic transport of objects from one location to another). In the past, I have experienced psychic teleportation with ordinary objects (e.g. a small rug, a missing necklace and a few other items) which I describe in my larger Miracles For All website [link at bottom of page]. Here however, I’ll stick to very recent synchronicities occurring over the last four weeks as of July 2024.

These parapsychological, as they are now referred to, events can tell us much about how our minds effect our personal and collective experiences in the 3D spacetime milieu. My own transcendent, psychic and synchronistic experiences reported here may not be of much interest to another, however they will alert the reader to recognize their own synchronicities and when one reads about others similar experiences it seems to increase the amount of synchronicities and other miraculous experiences in their own lives. Also, I encourage the reader to write their experiences down. This too will heighten their recognizing their own parapsychological events for some can be quite subtle thus easily ignored or flat out denied. Yet, they happen for a reason.

As mentioned on the previous page on this Miracles Website [link below], I had read The Isaiah Effect and The God Code by Gregg Braden and in both books he referred to The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran [pub. 1923] – specifically the quote, “Work is love made visible.” As result I decided to purchase the book online the following day. As well, due to an article I read about the pop star singer Justin Bieber’s adverse reaction to the covid injections, facial paralysis, I decided to learn more about him. He’s quite famous and largely popular among adolescents yet I knew nothing more about him than that, including what he looked like, so I decided to research him online the next day as well. Prior to doing either task that morning I went on a bike ride during which I rode past two outdoor Little Library cabinets filled with free used books. In the first one I found a biography and picture book about Justin Beiber which I perused and put back then, after riding further on, in the other cabinet I found The Prophet which I took home with me and read.

The synchronicities, or perhaps psychic teleportation of objects, didn’t stop there and what was not included in the essay on the previous page is, once home and online seeking a music video by Justin Beiber I clicked onto the first one I saw – his latest one titled Ghost. It is autobiographical about his beloved father’s passing and his wishing to communicate with his father’s spirit. Coincidentally, during this time I was (and still am as of this writing) working on a painting titled The Higher Realm Consultations featuring my recently deceased ex husband’s spirit in consultation with his 16 year old son which I plan on giving to his son to help him deal with the loss of his father. Adam, not his real name, worked as a consultant in the energy industry.

Also around this time, I had begun going through some of my folders and notebooks filled with handwritten notes and quotes taken from books I’ve read over the years and came across this quote from Ghostland by Colin Dickey which I had read several years ago: “… the caprices of strange wealthy men whose hubris unleashed an unholy terror on the world.” I put the note aside to post the quote online in reference to the New World Order elite’s current assaults against humanity for it so accurately describes who and what we all, worldwide, are confronted with presently.

Note: I don’t have a television so I have plenty of time to do all this reading, writing and painting.

Humanity Needs Healing – Spiritual Healing by Alan Young

At the time of my starting The Higher Realm Consultations I had begun reading Spiritual Healing by Alan Young. The book advises that if grieving it’s therapeutic to artistically create a work expressing your inner feelings and that one can communicate with a subject featured in the work. Around four months ago, as of this writing, I had learned of my ex husband’s passing due to information I received from the Social Security Administration. I am heartbroken, including for his young son (whom I’ve never met) being left without his father. His family does not communicate with me as is so often the case in divorces. Yet, I feel Alan is with me as I paint and, as the author also advises, I write down thoughts following a meditation and prayer facilitating a loving resonant connection and telepathic conversation with him.

The Higher Realm Consultations a work in progress

As I read Spiritual Healing [pub.1982] I was struck with the genuine love the author, Alan Young, had for his patients, students and readers – all of humanity, life and God. His brief biography on the back cover of the book is quite interesting: “Alan Young, an English attorney, emigrated to the U.S. and joined one of America’s largest business corporations in 1942. He became a Vice President before taking early retirement in 1974. After two and a half years of intensive study, meditation and prayer, he found that he could be a channel for Spiritual Healing, and in the past five years he has been of help to hundreds of people. He has taught many others the wisdom that is in this book by means of experiential two day workshops.” As I read the book, I highlighted much which I’ve since repeatedly reread.

Recall on the previous page I referred to a deck of 68 Spirit Animal Oracle cards that I had purchased to use for rote memory exercises and nothing else. I find the animal illustrations on the cards far more interesting and easier to remember than ordinary playing cards and I don’t like playing online games for our performance is tracked. Though the product created by Colette Baron-Reid, in its entirety, the box, the animal illustrations and the guidebook, is quite aesthetic. I did not use the oracle cards as they are intended to be used or bothered to read the oracle guidebook that came with the cards. I also mentioned on the previous page that I did not take these types of spiritual guidance or precognition tools seriously, including Tarot, IChing and astrology. Yet, again I’ll repeat on this page, while working on another painting several months ago I took a break, sat on my couch and for fun tried using the cards as they were designed to be used and I was quite surprised with the synchronistic result. Since then, I’ve done this around once a month, no more than that, and the results, the specifically appropriate and meaningfulness of the randomly and blindly selected card continues to be no less than astounding!

It’s About Love

Prior to starting The Higher Realm Consultations, I had removed from storage in my garage a painting I had done decades ago in my 30s. I cropped it, cleaned it up and now I have a refreshed and meaningful work of art. As I pondered over what to title it I noticed that the elderly female figure was just over and behind the mournful young woman’s back. So I thought of Your Grandmother Has Your Back or Your God Mother Has Your Back, or Your Guardian Angel Has Your Back and found them perfectly suited yet too colloquial and settled on instead, Someone’s Looking Out for You.


Someone’s Looking Out For You – oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor

As I was seated on my couch looking at Someone’s Looking Out for You on the easel an inner voice asked me, which of the two women would you most want to be, the young and beautiful woman or the elderly woman? I responded, “The elderly woman, for she can greatly help the young woman and I worry much for and wish to help the young today.” Just then, at my desk behind the easel, at the top of my desktop computer screen the little gold heart sticker (to cover the computer camera lens) lit up as if it was made of light. It does have little sparkles in it, yet the heart has never lit up like that before. I could find no light source from the windows in the room, the overhead lights were not on and there was no extended lighting above, below or on either side of it, just the heart of gold was brilliantly lit up!

A photograph of the little gold heart sticker on my computer screen was taken here in broad daylight and yet, not lit up. When it was positively radiating brilliant golden light, I could find no external source. It didn’t occur to me at the time to take a picture and it has not happened since.

The Historical, Worldwide Spiritual Significance of the Eagle

Once finished with the painting I hung it on the knob of a cabinet in living room and studio and then proceeded to gather ideas and materials for my next and now current painting The Higher Realm Consultations. I found as I searched in my files of collected and kept, some for over forty years now, torn out old magazine pages, photographs I have taken and numerous sketches I had done of birds, mostly eagles. It wasn’t until then that I noticed my propensity to draw and paint eagles and for some reason, I decided to put some of these sketches and a photograph I recently came across of a pair of eagles at my work table, on the lower shelf. I don’t need them for my current painting, but there I put them anyway [see below].

Then a week or so after hanging the Someone’s Looking Out For You on the cabinet, I tried another random and blind selection of one of the 68 cards from the Spirit Animal Oracle cards and this is what I chose. Note the message on the card. Need I say more?



Painting hanging on a cabinet knob. Notice the lighting. Wondrous lighting effects happen all the time in my studio.

I later researched online the spiritual meaningfulness and symbolism of the eagle and this is what I found:

“Since the dawn of human history, eagles have been revered, worshiped, featured in origin stories, myths and folklore, hunted, prized, raised as hunters, and had their feathers worn as status symbols by community leaders from Scotland to indigenous North America. Nearly all religious and spiritual traditions embrace the Eagle as a symbol of salvation and hope. Historically, cultures all over the world have associated the Eagle’s energy with the commanding elements of sun and thunder. One example of this is Zeus. The Eagle was sacred to Zeus. He often changed into the form of an Eagle in order to control the thunder and lightning.” Curiously, here in Idaho after weeks of severe heat and no rain for a couple months, it just now (at 5:20pm on July 24, 2024) started raining with thunder and lightning. I kid you not. “From Biblical times to modern day, some of the most powerful societies and cultures have adopted the Eagle’s image as a sign of strength and freedom. Cultures such as the Aztecs, Sumerians, Hittites, Romans, Egyptians and Native Americas all had strong symbolism associated with the Eagle.”

Seeking Greater Heights – oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor

Wolf Encounters

Around a week or so ago during the afternoon I happened to meet for the first time a young female neighbor after we both ran outside to see the two deer (again involving animals) that were in the front yard garden of our townhomes. We were quite excited and began discussing other wild animals we’ve come across. She told me that she had taught horseback riding in northern Idaho and one day while out with students on horseback they saw a pack of wolves headed in their direction. She told her students to ride back to the stable as fast as possible which they did and safely arrived. I then mentioned that on two separate occasions while hiking alone in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado I came across a lone wolf. The animals paused and looked at me and I paused to look at them and both times we, having decided that the other was not a threat, continued on our separate ways.

I then told her I was an artist and asked her if she would like to see my painting of wolves in the Rocky Mountains. She did and viewed several other paintings as well. A few days later I read an article online that the Colorado state legislature gave the approval to shoot wolves if they posed a threat to domestic animals.

Return of the Wolves – 36″ X 36″ oil painting by Leslie M. Taylor

That evening I tried another animal spirit cards ‘reading’ without thinking about about wolves or anything else in particular. I’ve made it a point not to have any thoughts or desires about the outcome –this is important. Always with an open mind I randomly and blindly select one card out of the shuffled 68 cards to see what comes up and so far, maybe 6 times in total – no more than once every four to six weeks. For some reason I believe that more often than that will diminish the appearance of the surprisingly synchronistic, relevant cards. This is what I selected:

Notice the message on the card. As well, in the book Spiritual Healing, where I am now near the end [p. 232], the author, Alan Young, advises the reader to meditate on or contemplate the many attributes of God such as Love, Light, Peace, Power, Truth Beauty, Wisdom and Knowledge”

Extraordinarily Tall and Beautiful People, Extraterrestrial Beings, And Humans Stripping Other Humans of Their God Given Free Will

A few days later my neighbor and I again crossed paths as she was walking her dog. Just minutes prior to our meeting I was reflecting on my being invited to the Playboy Mansion during my early 20s. I was thinking that I had not mentioned this experience to anyone for years now and that it was probably for the better. All humility aside, I was, and still am for my age, beautiful (I take care of my mind and body and spirit as best I can). That, and my artistic talent including my having done charcoal portraits to be published on campaign fund raising dinner invitations for two politicians, Mervyn Dymally running for Lt. Governor of California (my boyfriend was his campaign manager) and George Moscone, the Mayor of San Francisco were the reasons for Playboy Enterprises interest in me.

Charcoal portrait of Mervyn Dymally 41st Lieutenant Governor of California (1975–1979). Maggy is my maiden name.

I had been staying at the Playboy Mansion for around three weeks when, during a party in the foyer where the parties were generally held, I noticed an extraordinarily beautiful young woman who was also staying there, sitting in a chair alone and ignored. Her head was bowed down, she appeared depressed and a bit stunned like she had just received some very bad news (not unlike the girl in in black in the Someone’s Watching Over You painting). At that moment I strongly sensed, intuited, that she had recently been informed that her professional and personal activities were no longer up to her choosing. She had been stripped, not only of her clothing for profit (although at the party she was wearing a white dress), but also of her free will. So I decided then and there that I would make plans to leave the next day which I did and left very soon thereafter.

This brings to mind The World Economic Forum’s guru, Yuval Harari and other self-proclaimed New World Order elite’s claims that there is no God nor any free will whatsoever. To quote Harari, “There is no God in the skies above, only the Microsoft and Google Clouds,” “All those stories about Jesus rising from the dead is fake news,” “Humans are now hackable animals” and “The whole Idea that Humans have soul, spirit and free will … whatever, that’s over!”

Synchronisitically, just following my thoughts about my Playboy Mansion experiences, I went outdoors where I again encountered my young neighbor walking her dog. She was wearing a hoodie sweatshirt with PLAYBOY in large letters written across the chest. Given her clothing, during our conversation I mentioned a little bit about my experiences at the Playboy Mansion and added that there were women there that were more beautiful than I thought women were or could be. By-the-way, after Playboy’s professional makeup artist had spent around an hour applying makeup to my face, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, “Now I know why movie stars and supermodels look so stunningly beautiful.”

Beautiful Extraterrestrial Beings

During this four week synchronicity filled span of time, I included in my reading a free online book I came across titled The Secret of the Saucers, by Orfeo M. Angelfucci [pub. 1955]. It is a controversial account about the author having encountered spacecraft and his interactions with space beings both outside and inside the spacecraft. In the book he describes the extraterrestrials as being very tall, much taller than most humans, perfectly built and extraordinarily beautiful. It is very well written, reasonably interesting yet, I can’t say I am or am not convinced of the material actuality of the author’s claims. Much of it seems as though he had experienced NDEs or lucid dreams. It’s a good book nonetheless [link to free online book at the bottom].

Here’s two paragraphs from the book that closely describes what humanity was socially and politically threatened with at the time and still is today.

“”When Neptune [a space being] spoke his voice was calm and dispassionate: “Communism, Earth’s present fundamental enemy, masks beneath its banner the spearhead of the united forces of evil. Along with good, all men have evil in their hearts to a degree. But some are much more evil than others. Communism is a necessary evil and now exists upon Earth as do venomous creatures, famines, blights, tyrannies, cataclysms—all are negative forces which awaken the positive forces of good in man and cause them to act. Thus are they combatted, understood and ultimately their unreality becomes apparent. For evil is always eventually self-destroyed.””

“”He paused and once more I noticed his “uniform” darkening and lightening in spots, as though it were made of restless pale bluish clouds and patches of moonlight. Then I held my breath as he continued: “Yes, war will come again to your Earth. We are powerless to prevent it. Millions in your land will fight to the end for their cherished ideals and freedom of the human mind, with only a minimum on their side for victory. The hour of travail which in future history shall be known as ‘The Great Accident’ is nearer than any man dreams. And already the clouds of war are on the horizon, dark and ominous; but overhead beams the rainbow, infinite and eternal. Mankind will survive Armageddon and awake to a new more glorious day of fellowship and honest brotherly love. In the dawning great New Age of Earth all will forget their bitter hurts and build constructively together upon the solid foundation of the Brotherhood of Man.””

I found this illustration just now [on July 26, 2024] as I am writing this essay having learned that the author had written another book titled Son of the Sun and well after the start of my recent painting featuring my ex husband’s spirit in consultation with his son . Wow.

Illustration from Orfeo Angelfucci’s second book, Son of the Sun

Again, the quote from The Prophet, “Work is love made visible.” The love that Alan has for his son is quite apparent in the painting though far from complete. Yet, not as apparent here as when standing before the painting. I strongly feel his love, him actually, every time I look at it even in this unfinished state. It’s inspiring. When completed, I plan on giving it to Alan’s son though we’ve never met. I don’t even know if he knows that I exist. I will post a photograph of the finished painting on this page and on the Artwork by Leslie M. Taylor page on this site [link below].

Following having read the author’s descriptions of the extraterrestrials I went to a nearby supermarket. At the self-checkout terminals, at the terminal directly across from me, were three women in their 20s. All three were around 6 feet 4 inches tall, had exceedingly beautiful facial features and perfectly proportioned physiques. I have lived in Idaho for over seven years now during which I’ve seen many men here, not women generally, taller than men generally are and a couple well over seven feet tall. Not long ago, while biking along the Boise River recreational path, an exceedingly tall and beautiful ‘superman’, if you will, with black hair even, jogged past me and he was striking enough that I still clearly recall the incident. I’ve not seen anything like this in any of the six states, numerous cities and towns I’ve lived in or over the course of my travels throughout the states, several European countries, Toronto in Canada and tourist spots in Mexico. I’ve asked some of these men, usually at the grocery store, where they are from and so far they’ve responded that they’re from the northern part of the state of Idaho. Not exactly a formal, concise survey, interesting nonetheless.

I intruded upon the three young women as they were checking out their groceries and asked them if they were from Idaho. They said no and did not reveal nor did I ask where they were from. I then asked if they were on the university women’s basketball team and they said no but they did play volleyball. Then next I inquired if they had noticed that in this part of the country there are many men, more than is typical, that are exceedingly tall. They all replied “Yes!” They were most tolerant of my interloping and little survey and as they were departing I said to them, “You girls are gorgeous” and they responded with a heartfelt thank you.

These are not all of the synchronicities I’ve experienced in these past four weeks. It’s an astounding, wondrous and miraculous time for me. These and other miraculous events lift my spirit higher, inspire my work and other activities such as creating works for this website.

Youth, please be aware of the unseen yet powerful effects of your thoughts, feelings and activities on your lives now and even more so in the future.

So please do not, I repeat do not create or indulge in the creative projects of others (including and especially on TV, social media, videos, computer games and music) that are depressing, perverse, angry, horrific and in other ways violent in content. Adults, what do you think the young who are listening to, for example but hardly limited to, the rhythmic pounding sounds and repetitive words in electronic and other forms of so-called music are creating in their own lives and in the world around them? Their own and others misery and self-destruction and it is not cool. Rather, it’s a mad, perverted, hate filled and painful state of being and environment of their making and not necessarily experienced soon. It can take years to actualize thereby making the cause unidentifiable. Also, it is no accident that this is what they are being lured with rather than creative works that are beautiful, loving, and with peace and joy, empowering. The young are preyed upon well into adulthood and then they prey upon the young.

Please, young and old, one and all, turn away from the darkness. Recall Christ’s words, “Turn the other cheek” and instead turn toward, focus your attention on the light, the love and the truly beautiful. This essay provides proof of how powerful our minds actually are and that we can, as Christ stated, whenever two or more are united as one and by recognizing who we are, move mountains and perform even greater works than he.

Leslie M. Taylor, Boise, Idaho – July 2024 

Oh, I almost forgot, I Will Be There by Katie Melua:



The Secret of the Saucers, by Orfeo M. Angelfucci (free online book)

Miracles For All website (menu at the top for pages: MIRACLES (A) (B) & (C):

Previous Miracles Website page, Renowned Prophecies – Are They Accurate?

Miracles Website – Paintings by Leslie M. Taylor

Miracles For All website pages: New Information, Videos and Book Reviews Part I and Part II  for others accounts of miraculous experiences and more.